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Online courses

Boat Handling –– Course

A comprehensive guide to the basics of boating: handling a boat on the water and at the dock, anchoring, rules of the road, onboard emergencies, essential knots, and more.

$ 100.00

Marine Navigation Course

A complete guide to planning and following a course to reach a destination on the water. Hands-on experience with electronic and paper charts for coastal and inland waterways.

$ 100.00


Weather can make or break a day on the water. Learn how to be weather wise by understanding the basic science of meteorology, plus internet resources, weather apps and more.

$ 100.00

Cruising Under Power and Sail - course

An overview of nearly everything you need to know for a weekend or even months on the water. Planning a trip, navigating, weather, going outside the US, emergencies, and more.

$ 100.00

All About Marine Radio

Marine radio is a lot more reliable than cellphones on the water. Learn how radios work, which channels to use, correct procedures, and how DSC can be a lifesaver in emergencies.

$ 34.95

How to Use GPS - 2024

Car and marine GPS aren’t the same. Learn how to choose a chart plotter and use this tool to create waypoints, build and execute routes, and check your progress along the way.

$ 34.95

AIS Electronics for Boaters

Avoid collisions with other boats. AIS will show you where other vessels are and how close they will come. How to integrate AIS with radar and other marine electronics.

$ 34.95

Introduction to Navigation - Seminar

Learn the differences between navigating on roads and waters. How to understand nautical charts, aids to navigation, use chart plotters, and plan your trip electronically.

$ 34.95