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Online courses

Boat Handling –– Course

Boat Handling is a full course offered by the United States Power Squadrons, America’s Boating Club. It is the replacement for the recently retired Seaman...

$ 100.00

Marine Navigation Course

Marine Navigation teaches you how to chart and follow a course on the water. It is a full course offered by the United States Power Squadrons, America’s Boating Club.

$ 100.00


Weather, an in-depth online course updated for 2021, introduces students to the science of meteorology and focuses on the causes, analysis, and forecasting of weather events.

$ 100.00

Cruising Under Power and Sail - course

Get ready for road trips on the water. Take Cruising under Power and Sail to gain the skills and confidence you need to head out the waterways for the weekend—or weeks at a time.

$ 100.00

All About Marine Radio

Know how to use your VHF marine radio. You’ll need it in an emergency and for important ship-to-ship communications.

$ 34.95

How to Use GPS - 2024

Know where you are and where you are going using GPS. Learn how to use GPS, select and use GPS devices, and apply GPS to your navigational needs.

$ 34.95

AIS Electronics for Boaters

Learn how to avoid collisions with other ships in crowded waters with AIS. Discover AIS advantages over using radar alone.

$ 34.95

Introduction to Navigation - Seminar

This seminar provides an overview of how to use electronic and paper charts to plan a safe route with waypoints, how to navigate along the route, and how to check underway that you’re on course.

$ 34.95