You may be very knowledgeable about handling your boat. But before you consider going out on the water and staying there all night or for a year, there is much to know about actually living in a small space away from land or a store or even being short another pair of hands when things have gone awry. The longer you are out on the water, the more planning is needed.
This webinar covers nine topics:
Previously presented, this webinar provides a top-level overview of what you need to plan and consider to smooth out the rough spots in living aboard and set your mind at ease.
An America’s Boating Club® Webinar
Originally Broadcast November 13, 2018
Duration: 1h 03m
Confidence in Docking and Undocking is offered as a seminar and as part of the Boat Handling course.
Docking can be one of the most stressful tasks you can per...
Emergencies on Board is offered as a seminar and as part of the Boat Handling course.
Prevention and preparation make all the difference. This seminar ha...
Marine Navigation teaches you how to chart and follow a course on the water. It is a full course offered by the United States Power Squadrons, America’s Boating Club.
$100.00This seminar provides an overview of how to use electronic and paper charts to plan a safe route with waypoints, how to navigate along the route, and how to check underway that you’re on course.
$34.95Learn how ocean waves are generated, how to access wave data and forecasts, and navigation software that includes the effect on waves on your route. You will le...